Understanding the Build Process

OSBS creates an OpenShift BuildConfig to store the configuration details about how to run atomic-reactor and which git commit to build from. If there is already a BuildConfig for the image (and branch), it is updated. Afterwards, a Build is instantiated from the BuildConfig.

The default OpenShift BuildConfig runPolicy of “Serial” is used, meaning only one Build will run at a time for a given BuildConfig, and other Builds will remain queued and unprocessed until the running build finishes. This is preferable to “SerialLatestOnly”, which cancels all but the most recent pending queued build, because build logs for any user-submitted build can be watched through to completion.

OSBS uses two types of OpenShift Build:

worker build

for creating the container images

orchestrator build

for creating and managing worker builds

The cluster which runs orchestrator builds is referred to here as the orchestrator cluster, and the cluster which runs worker builds is referred to here as the worker cluster.

Note that the orchestrator cluster itself may also be configured to accept worker builds, so the cluster may be both orchestrator and worker. Alternatively some sites may want separate clusters for these functions.

The orchestrator build makes use of Server-side Configuration for atomic-reactor to discover which worker clusters to direct builds to and whether/which node selector is required for each.

The separation of tasks between the orchestrator build and the worker build is called the “arrangement”.


Arrangement versions lower than 6 are no longer supported (but each new version typically builds on the previous one, so no functionality is lost).

Arrangement Version 6 (reactor_config_map)

The orchestrator build chooses worker clusters based on platform (multi-platform build) and creates worker builds in those clusters. Worker builds perform their tasks and produce an image for their platform. After all worker builds finish, the orchestrator build continues with its own tasks.

This allows automatically triggered rebuilds (where the orchestrator cluster has complete knowledge of the latest build configurations and their triggers).

In this arrangement version, environment parameters are provided by the reactor_config. The order of plugins is the same, but hard coded, or placeholder, environment parameters in orchestrator_inner and worker_inner json files change.

An osbs-client configuration option reactor_config_map is required to define the name of the ConfigMap object holding the reactor_config. This configuration option is mandatory for arrangement versions greater than or equal to 6. The existing osbs-client configuration reactor_config_secret is deprecated (for all arrangements).


Steps performed by the orchestrator build are:

  • Get the parent images without pulling in order to inspect environment variables (this is to allow substitution to be performed in the “release” label)

  • Verify that parent images comes from a build that exists in Koji

  • Resolve composes, integration with odcs. See ODCS compose for details.

  • For base images, the add_filesystem plugin runs in the orchestrator build as well as the worker build. This is to create a single Koji “image-build” task to create filesystems for all required architectures.

  • Supply a value for the “release” label if it is missing (this value is provided to the worker build)

  • Reserve a build in Koji

  • Apply labels supplied via build request parameter to the Dockerfile

  • Parse server-side configuration for atomic-reactor in order to know which worker clusters may be considered

  • Create worker builds on the configured clusters, and collect logs and status from them

  • Fetch workers metadata (see Metadata Fragment Storage)

  • The group_manifests plugin creates a manifest list object in the registry, grouping together the image manifests from the worker builds.

  • Import the Koji build

  • Push floating tags to the container registry for a manifest list

  • Tag the Koji build

  • Update this OpenShift Build with annotations about output, performance, errors, worker builds used, etc

  • Send email notifications if required

  • Perform any clean-up required


The orchestration step will create an OpenShift build for performing the worker build. Inside this, atomic-reactor will execute these steps as plugins:

  • Get (or create) parent layers against which the Dockerfile will run

    • For base images, the add_filesystem plugin runs but does not create a Koji task. Instead the orchestrator build tells it which Koji task ID to stream the filesystem tar archive from. Each worker build only streams the filesystem tar archive for the architecture it is running on, and imports it as the initial image layer

    • For layered images, the FROM images are pulled from the source registry

  • Supply a value for the “release” label if it is missing (provided by the orchestator build)

  • Make various alterations to the Dockerfile

  • Fetch any supplemental files required by the Dockerfile

  • Build the container

  • Squash the image so that only a single layer is added since the parent image

  • Query the image to discover installed RPM packages (by running rpm inside it)

  • Tag and push the image to the container registry

  • Compress the docker image tar archive

  • Upload image tar archive to Koji

  • Update this OpenShift Build with annotations about output, performance, errors, etc

  • Perform any clean-up required:

    • Remove the parent images which were fetched or created at the start

For more details on how the build system is configured as of Arrangement 6, consult the Build Parameters document.

As of October 2019, Pulp is no longer supported in Arrangement 6 for either worker or orchestrator builds.

digraph G {
    koji_task [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
               <TABLE BGCOLOR="#cfe2f3" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLBORDER="1">
                 <TR><TD PORT="main" CELLPADDING="5"><B>Koji task</B></TD></TR>
                 <TR><TD PORT="logs" BORDER="1">logs</TD></TR>

    registry [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
                <TR><TD CELLPADDING="5"><B>Registry</B></TD></TR>
                <TR><TD><TABLE BGCOLOR="#f3f3f3" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLBORDER="1">
                          <TR><TD BORDER="0">img/example</TD></TR>
                          <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff" PORT="aarch64">image manifest</TD></TR>
                          <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff" PORT="x86_64">image manifest</TD></TR>
                          <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff" PORT="list">manifest list</TD></TR>

    subgraph cluster_orchestrator {
        label="Orchestrator cluster";
        orchestrator_build [label=<Orchestrator build>];

    subgraph cluster_worker_x86_64 {
        label="Worker cluster";
        x86_64_build [label=<x86_64 build>];

    subgraph cluster_worker_aarch64 {
        label="Worker cluster";
        aarch64_build [label=<aarch64 build>];

    subgraph {
        koji_build [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
                    <TABLE BGCOLOR="#cfe2f3" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLBORDER="1">
                      <TR><TD COLSPAN="3" CELLPADDING="5"><B>Koji build</B></TD></TR>
                      <TR><TD COLSPAN="2" ROWSPAN="2">metadata</TD><TD>autorebuild?<BR/>etc</TD></TR>
                      <TR><TD PORT="list">index</TD></TR>
                      <TR><TD PORT="output" ROWSPAN="5">output</TD><TD ROWSPAN="3">logs</TD><TD>aarch64</TD></TR>
                      <TR><TD ROWSPAN="2">archives<BR/>with metadata</TD><TD PORT="aarch64">aarch64</TD></TR>
                      <TR><TD PORT="x86_64">x86_64</TD></TR>

    koji_task:main -> orchestrator_build;
    orchestrator_build -> koji_task:logs [style=dashed, label=logs];

    orchestrator_build -> registry:list [style=dashed, label=create];
    orchestrator_build -> koji_build [label="once complete"];

    orchestrator_build -> x86_64_build;
    x86_64_build -> orchestrator_build [style=dashed, label=logs];
    x86_64_build -> registry:x86_64 [style=dashed, label=push];

    orchestrator_build -> aarch64_build;
    aarch64_build -> orchestrator_build [style=dashed, label=logs];
    aarch64_build -> registry:aarch64 [style=dashed, label=push];

    koji_build:list -> registry:list;
    koji_build:x86_64 -> registry:x86_64;
    koji_build:aarch64 -> registry:aarch64;

Orchestrator and worker builds (arrangement v6)


Logs from worker builds is made available via the orchestrator build, and clients (including koji-containerbuild) are able to separate individual worker build logs out from that log stream using an osbs-client API method.


In order to allow the client to de-multiplex logs containing a mixture of logs from an orchestrator build and from its worker builds, a special logging field, platform, is used. Within atomic-reactor all logging goes through a LoggerAdapter which adds this platform keyword to the extra dict passed into logging calls, resulting in log output like this:

2017-06-23 17:18:41,791 platform:- - atomic_reactor.foo - DEBUG - this is from the orchestrator build
2017-06-23 17:18:41,791 platform:x86_64 - atomic_reactor.foo - INFO - 2017-06-23 17:18:41,400 platform:- atomic_reactor.foo - DEBUG - this is from a worker build
2017-06-23 17:18:41,791 platform:x86_64 - atomic_reactor.foo - INFO - continuation line

Demultiplexing is possible using a the osbs-client API method, get_orchestrator_build_logs, a generator function that returns objects with these attributes:


str, platform name if worker build, else None


str, log line (Unicode)

The “Example” section below demonstrates how to use the get_orchestrator_build_logs() method in Python to parse the above log lines.

Encoding issues

When retrieving logs from containers, the text encoding used is only known to the container. It may be based on environment variables within that container; it may be hard-coded; it may be influenced by some other factor. For this reason, container logs are treated as byte streams.

This applies to:

  • containers used to construct the built image

  • the builder image running atomic-reactor for a worker build

  • the builder image running atomic-reactor for an orchestrator build

When retrieving logs from a build, OpenShift cannot say which encoding was used. However, atomic-reactor can define its own output encoding to be UTF-8. By doing this, all its log output will be in a known encoding, allowing osbs-client to decode it. To do this it should call locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") and the Dockerfile used to create the builder image must set an appropriate environment variable:


Orchestrator builds want to retrieve logs from worker builds, then relay them via logging. By knowing that the builder image for the worker is the same as the builder image for the orchestrator, we also know the encoding for those logs to be UTF-8.


Here is an example Python session demonstrating this interface:

>>> server = OSBS(...)
>>> logs = server.get_orchestrator_build_logs(...)
>>> [(item.platform, item.line) for item in logs]
[(None, '2017-06-23 17:18:41,791 platform:- - atomic_reactor.foo - DEBUG - this is from the orchestrator build'),
 ('x86_64', '2017-06-23 17:18:41,400 atomic_reactor.foo - DEBUG - this is from a worker build'),
 ('x86_64', 'continuation line')]


  • the lines are (Unicode) string objects, not bytes objects

  • the orchestrator build’s logging fields have been removed from the worker build log line

  • the “outer” orchestrator log fields have been removed from the worker build log line, and the platform:- field has also been removed from the worker build’s log line

  • where the worker build log line had no timestamp (perhaps the log line had an embedded newline, or was logged outside the adapter using a different format), the line was left alone

Metadata Fragment Storage

When creating a Koji Build using arrangement 3 and newer, the koji_import plugin needs to assemble Koji Build Metadata, including:

  • components installed in each builder image (worker builds and orchestrator build)

  • components installed in each built image

  • information about each build host

To assist the orchestrator build in assembling this (JSON) data, the worker builds gather information about their build hosts, builder images, and built images. They then need to pass this data to the orchestrator build. After creating the Koji Build, the orchestrator build must then free any resources used in passing the data.

The method used for passing the data from the worker builds to the orchestrator build is to store it temporarily in a ConfigMap object in the worker cluster. Its name is stored in the OpenShift Build annotations for the worker build. To do this the worker cluster’s “builder” service account needs permission to create ConfigMap objects.

The orchestrator build collects the metadata fragments and assembles them, together with the platform-neutral metadata, in the koji_import plugin.

The orchestrator build is then responsible for removing the OpenShift ConfigMap from the worker cluster. To do this, the worker cluster’s “orchestrator” service account needs permission to get and delete ConfigMap objects.


OSBS’s autorebuild feature automatically starts new builds of layered images whenever the base parent image changes. This is particularly useful for image owners that maintain a large hierarchy of images, which would otherwise require manually starting each image build in the correct order. Instead, image owners can start a build for the topmost ancestor which upon completion triggers the next level of layered images, and so on.

Builds may opt in to autorebuilds with an autorebuild entry in the dist-git configuration. Additional options for autorebuilds can be configured in container.yaml.